Thursday, July 29, 2010

You Are The Only Exeption

Haha, insiders with my best friend, LAUREN FOULKS:D

she is just Amazing , Beautiful and i trust her with my life, if i EVER lost her, i would die, she is the only person i have let in so much like i did with her. ME and her ARE starting our life over, We finally decided to let Jesus in! and it is the most amazing step i have ever taken, i am SO happy im taking this step with my best friend. Every time we get into fights, my heart dies alittle, but when we make up? i am twice as happy as i was before the fight. I love hanging out with her, im probably more hyper then ever. I swore i wouldn't let people get close too me , after i lost my best friend in 6th grade. I did, and it's scary, especially when she says stuff like "I just want to shoot myself"
that scares me so much, weather or not she's joking. i couldn't survive without her.
I never wanted to risk my heart,well the torn up, heart i did have, until i met her. She was worth it i know that the day i met her 02.10.10.
"baby be good to me" that's how i feel(:
and now i know that, that line is true.

"It's hard to answer the question "what's wrong" when nothings right. When I was younger crying always seemed to be the answer, Now crying seems to be the only option."- this is me and Lauren to the bone(:

Some of our Random convo's

bwhahaha NO LAUREN HE IS GAY!- mejra
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM he is not- Lauren
i dont give a shit , suck my banana dick-Lauren
mmm banana's- mejra
i have nothing else to say to you- Lauren(:

Mejra, Rice makes me horny!- Lauren 


  1. getting to know Jesus starting over with a best friend is the BEST way to start over
