Thursday, July 29, 2010


So today all i could think about is cutting myself. weird huh? it's been 19 days since i last cut and that's all i have been thinking about, not necessarily cutting myself, but sometimes it's also how much better off i am, how much Ive improved . i LOVE that i can look at my wrists and not see blood red marks dripping down.
IT is so much easier then hiding my hand all the time, having to lie and wear jackets.
I mean the whole reason i even started was my parents,i started in 2nd grade, but now it's even harder to deal with them, but with God's help, i have learned to deal and not talk back, I've learned that cutting and drugs get me NO where, i actually feel way happier(:

Lauren, my babe/bestie, helped me stop cutting she also is helping me keep control with everything, she is BEYOND AMAZING<3
my best friend Jordan saved my life, he convinced me to take a stand and STOP, he made me realize God does care, he helped me break out of a shell and helped me show the world who i REALLY am(:


1 comment:

  1. 19 days!! woohoo! God's changing you, and that's always a good thing.
