Sunday, August 15, 2010

&& Babe, I'm Your Biggest Fan♥

You can't break a broken heart!

heartbreak is lying on the bathroom floor, trying your damn hardest to breathe while at the same time wondering why it all went wrong and how you're gonna get up and pretend like everything is okay, and what the hell you're gonna do about the whole in your chest.

"you broke my heart, but i still love you."

yeah i'm pretty sure everyone has had their heart broken, if not, you will one day. dont worry.

But has you heart been so broken to the extent that you can feel a fucked up heart beat?
have you had a hard time breathing because you miss that person so much?
Have you broken your own heart? by hurting the people you love the most?

Have you had such a hard time keeping your self together? so hard that you didnt talk to people for a while, because you couldnt hide the pain?
I mean people actually KILL THEMSELFS over this crap, and you think making a stupid rude comment to make people laugh is alright?  what of you made a comment like "you look like a whale" and the next day that person was dead? they hung themself in their bedroom? and it was all your fault, its like commiting murder. i mean it has happend, people kill themselfs over heartbreak.

YOUR BESTFRIEND COULD KILL THEMSELFS TOMMORROW, becasue you got into a fight today, and said stuff you should'nt have.
i know i've been there.

live with the pain
because you never know what tommorrow may bring.
i want self esteem; not self pity(:

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