Friday, August 13, 2010

You Always Have A Reason To Smile♥

I never thought i was loved.
i mean, my parents tell me they hate me,
my brother tells me he hates me
people tell me they hate me.

So why in the world would i believe someone could love me,
why should i believe Lauren or Kaelen, or Tiffany or Jessica or Lilly or Bella or or Sarah or Jordan loves me?
Why should i believe GOD loves me?
it took me a long, and i mean LONG time to finally realize people love me, because, i'm actually a pretty cool person, im not a stupid emo bitch like my brother says, im not a stupid whore like my dad says and im not a waste of life, as my mom says, but im actually a pretty cool person.
God loves me because he created me and sent his son to DIE for me, and everyone else, 

Alot of people love me and care about me
and that makes me smile(:

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